Town Planning
We offer a full range of services and we have dealt with all manner of development proposals. From small scale residential schemes to larger housing schemes incorporating affordable homes. We also deal with retail, commercial and industrial development, with a large bank of clients involved in tourism accommodation. We advise on agricultural projects, leisure schemes, enforcement notices, Listed Buildings, minerals, certificates of lawful use, and pride ourselves in being able to call upon a whole range of other experts in fields such as Landscape Impact, Architecture, Structural Assessment, Flood Risk, Ecological Assessment, Conservation, and Traffic Impact. We believe that we offer an unrivalled range of expertise that is always at our disposal.
Residential Development
We have advised on developments ranging from single plots in both rural and town centre locations, to medium sized developments for local builders who required sound planning advice, and we have also been engaged by national developers who required our assistance on larger housing schemes including specialist schemes such as retirement developments and ‘extra-care’ schemes. Every proposal is different and every instruction we receive will require specialist planning knowledge of one sort or another.
Tourism Development
We have a number of clients involved in the tourism industry. We have specialist knowledge of touring and tenting sites as well static caravan and chalet development and have successfully assisted clients in developing new parks as well as restructuring existing sites. We have also gained extensive expertise in the glamping sector and have successfully gained consent for a range of developments across the region. We have also assisted in applications relating to Hotels, restaurants and leisure complexes.
Commercial/Industrial Development
Our experience in Economic Development has led us to be able to advise many clients in applications for new business and commercial developments. With access to specialist retail planners we have also been retained by a National retail development company to develop one of North Wales’ most successful retail parks.
Agricultural Development
We have advised numerous clients in terms of agricultural development, including successful applications for agricultural dwellings, but also for the removal of restrictive agricultural occupancy conditions when circumstances change. We have also been involved in farm diversification projects, including conversion schemes for redundant outbuildings into holiday accommodation.