About Us
Which area do we cover?
We cover the whole of North Wales and Cheshire, and are happy to work nationally on projects as well. We are not limited by any geographical constraints - we will travel wherever there is a need for our professional services.
Why do we succeed?
Because we pride ourselves on our approach which is intended to be both professional and friendly at all times. Our advice is impartial and based on decades of Town Planning experience and we believe that we are the most experienced Chartered Town Planning consultancy in North Wales; our aim is to satisfy our clients, if we are unable to do so, we say so.
Our success speaks for itself!
The average success rate for appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate is about 30%.
Owen Devenport's success rate since our inception is 65%.
What services do we offer?
From matters of Town Planning, Property Development, to Property Management we can offer a diverse and comprehensive service. But also we engage specialists in other related fields to provide the full range of planning and property services, such as landscape architects, ecologists, archaeologists and so on.
What are our aims?
Our aim is to provide a friendly service with the primary concern being our clients best interests whether they be an individual, a large company, financial or public institution. The level and quality of service will remain the same, whoever the client may be, “The Absolute Best”.
Privacy Notice
The following is a summary of our privacy policy:-
In order to respond to your enquiry and provide you with a quote and/or initial advice we must collect your name, personal contact information, and company details (where applicable), together with site information in order to contact you. We will be unable to contact you where you do not consent to providing us with this information.
We may also share your contact information with:-
Other consultants or firms where they may be required to provide services to support any planning work that we would undertake on your behalf and where their input is required to advise on those matters and/or provide a quote for their work as part of any larger submission;
Sub-consultants where they may be required to undertake work in connection with any planning services that we may provide to you;
IT support.
We will retain your data on file for a period of 3 years from your enquiry in order to respond to any follow on queries from you upon quote.
You have a right to:- request access to your data; correction of the information held; request erasure of your information; object to the processing of your information; request that its processing be restricted; and, to request the transfer of your data .
Should you wish to exercise these rights please contact us by any of the following means:-
e-mailing info@owendevenport.co.uk and put GDPR request in the subject line;
writing to us at Owen Devenport, 5 Field Street, Llangefni, LL77 7EH; or,
calling us on 01248 724356.
A full copy of our privacy notice is available at:–
Alternatively, you can request a copy from us using the details above and we will arrange for it to be sent to you.