Pre-Application Consultations
Tir ar / Land at York Road / No’s 1 - 9 Station Road, Deganwy, LL31 9PX
Cynnid i ddymchwel yr adeilad presennol a chodi adeilad fflatiau gan ddarparu 19 fflat ynghyd â datblygiadau cysylltiedig
Proposed demolition of existing building and erection of apartment building providing 19 no. apartments together with associated development
ar / on
Tir ar / Land at York Road / No’s 1 - 9 Station Road, Deganwy, LL31 9PX
Tir oddi ar Tyddyn Mostyn, Porthaethwy, LL59 5DS // Land off Tyddyn Mostyn, Menai Bridge, LL59 5DS
Cynnig i godi cyfleuster gofal ychwanegol a chartref gofal preswyl gyda chyfleusterau cymunedol, ynghyd â datblygiad cysylltiedig
Proposed erection of an extra care facility and residential care home with community facilities, together with associated development
Tir oddi ar / Land off Tyddyn Mostyn, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, LL59 5DS
Land at Maes Merddyn, Brynsiencyn
Cynnig am Codi i fyny at 31 tai fforddiadwy a datblygiad cysylltiedig ar safle'r cais
Proposed Erection of up to 31 no. affordable dwellings together with associated development
Tir yn / Land at Maes Merddyn, Brynsiencyn
Ysgol Babanod Coed Mawr, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4TW
Cynnig am Codi 10 tai fforddiadwy a datblygiad cysylltiedig ar safle'r cais
Proposed erection of 10 no. affordable dwellings and associated development on the application site
Former Ysgol Babanod Coed Mawr, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4TW
A pre-application consultation is required if development meets any of the following:-
It is Major development if it meets one or more of the following:-
(a) the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral-working deposits(4);
(b) waste development;
(c) the provision of dwellinghouses where—
(i) the number of dwellinghouses to be provided is 10 or more; or
(ii) the development is to be carried out on a site having an area of 0.5 hectares or more and (number of dwellinghouses not known) it is not known whether the development falls within sub-paragraph (c)(i);
(d) the provision of a building or buildings where the floor space to be created by the development is 1,000 square metres or more; or
(e) development carried out on a site having an area of 1 hectare or more;
It is Development of National Significance