Appeal success for new plot on Anglesey
Our client owned land in a Penycraigwen which is a village close to Rhosybol, where he wanted to erect a new dwelling to occupy as a family home. We were initially instructed to submit an application on our client’s behalf which was refused on the grounds that the proposal would represent an unacceptable form of development which would impact upon the rural landscape to the detriment of that area’s character.
We were further instructed to put together an appeal in which we strongly disagreed with the LPA's grounds for refusal. We argued that the proposal would in fact be a modest and acceptable contribution to the area and fitting to the village’s form. We also argued that the Council had misinterpreted their own policies in reaching their decision. Following the Inspector's site visit we were pleased to inform our client that their appeal had been allowed and the client was ecstatic with the news that he can now pursue the final design for their new family home.