New Touring Caravan Site on Anglesey

The client wanted to develop a new touring caravan park in the centre of the Island. Owen Devenport were instructed to guide the application through the planning process. A key element was the impact upon the Landscape and also impact upon the road network. A Landscape Architect was instructed and produced a full Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). This was accepted by the Local Planning Authority and with mitigating landscaping the site was not deemed harmful. Highway issues were another potential stumbling block and initially the highway authority were not in favour. However with the intervention of Owen Devenport and the client the officers re-visited the site and agreed that additional passing bays would overcome any objections. Thus the site was finally approved, with conditions including that of a Travel Plan which Owen Devenport will now complete. The client now has permission for a touring caravan park, with an amenity block in the heart of the Anglesey countryside that should prove very popular with tourists.



New Shed in Denbigh


Metal Fabrication Business obtains new dwelling