Holiday conversion success in Abergele

Owen Devenport were retained by clients who were being subjected to enforcement action by the Local Planning Authority. The clients were wanting to convert a disused outbuilding into a dwelling but this was contrary to policy and work had been done to this end without the benefit of planning permission - hence the enforcement action. Our advice was to obtain planning permission for the conversion into a holiday letting unit. This was taken on board by the clients and an application was duly submitted. The clients also had a valuable input and prepared a business plan which supported this development. This was submitted with the planning application and together with other supporting documents prepared by Owen Devenport the Local Planning Authority finally granted planning permission for a holiday dwelling, with strict conditions on holiday occupation only. So, the clients work on conversion was not wasted and they can now put the building to good economic use for the future.



House Sale proceeds after Lawful Use proven


Drainage condition deemed unworkable